28 March 2012

Sea of Sunfish

Lake Springfield has been a haven for Sunfish--Largemouth Bass, Bluegill, Redbreast Sunfish, Pumpkinseeds, and Warmouth--this spring.  With the Warmouth, I added my first new species of the year and was really excited, as it was the last fish of the day.

I have been hoping to catch some Rainbow Trout, seeing as this is a TPWD stocking site late in February, and is also a natural, spring-fed water-body.  However, I have struck out in the 'Bow department.  (I guess I should have never cut my hair short!)  (-;  Where I have had the best luck is with Rainbows is their by-product.  They get warm, too warm, die and sink to the bottom of the lake, which is very high due to the wonderfully, plethoric spring rains, and are eaten by the other fish, turtles, crawfish, and other creatures.  With warmer spring temperatures, the Sunfish are spawning earlier, and boy are they fat, colorful, and fun on a 2# rod.  Every third cast, I had FishOn, and from a float tube, there was no other way to have fun this fine afternoon.  I'm glad the rain held off until I walked back to the car and loaded my stuff.

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