Friday 7 August Grant-Kohrs Ranch bade Cody and I good-bye. We pulled out of Deer Lodge at 8 a.m. Saturday heading for Idaho. We stopped for petrol in an extremely small station whose speciality was selling opals, which are goregeous and mined in various sizes and colors. We continued on through Idaho traveling through a lava bed, along part of the Oregon Trail, and in to Wyoming. We passed through Kennemer, WY, home of the first JC Penney store and stumbled upon Fossil Butte NM. Once a lake, now it is a bed of fossilized creatures I would have loved to have caught and feared. Continuing on to our final destination for the evening, Dutch John, UT, I saw wild mustangs roaming the Flaming Gorge NRA. All the driving was worth it for Sunday, where we fished the Green River, home of America's greatest trout trophy waters, averaging 10,000 trout per mile. Monday found us reaching Moab in the late afternoon. Since Arches NP stays open 24 hours, we visited some of the most famous arches, Cody took excellent sunset pictures and astromnomical photos. Tuesday, we headed out for Navajo Dam, NM. Along the way, we stopped at Mesa Verde NP and spent the day walking all around the remains. We ended up at Navajo Dam that evening, buying our licenses for the San Juan River. Wednesday we fished with Robert, who was one of the hardest working guides with whom I have ever fished. We saw the ET rock, fished with worms and nymphs. The highlight of fishing, besides watching Cody catch one of the most beautiful rainbows on a grasshopper, my tan elk-hair caddis helped me coax a fish to take the dry. Fabulous fun! Thursday found us tooling down the boulevard to Rankin, Texas, where we spent a couple of nights with Miss Donna and Pa Bell. Saturday found us coming home from a great summer. I miss the mountains and mountain air and the headwaters of great rivers, but there is no place like home.