Jerry Hamon guided the small gathering of Texas Women's Fly Fishers on the Brazos River, Saturday. Bad weather spooked many away, but the day dawned clear and proved to be a fantastic day of fly fishing. Having not fished in three months, I wasn't sure how I was going to fish. Cody headed downstream and I headed upstream, but not for long. I walked my kayak downstream and began fishing shorelines, shelf dropoffs, and channels. Cody fished large boulders and a creek confluence with the river. For the day's total, we ended up catching Bluegill, Channel Catfish, Hybrid Sriped Bass, Largemouth Bass, Redbreast Sunfish, Spotted Bass, and some hybridization of a Redbreast due to the red eyes. We also hooked up with Gar and Carp but could not keep them on our lines. Cody flew his drone down the river system where we fished, and seeing the bird's eye view of the river's depth and open exposure amazed me with the number of fish we caught, especially in a half-day's time frame.
Quite a variety!