16 August 2015

Fishing with Jerry

Jerry Hamon, President of the Mariner Sails Kayak Fishing Club and member of the Native Watercraft Pro Staff, guided a small get-together of the Texas Women Fly Fishers on a morning kayak trip.  Cody and I chose to spend the night a recently opened campground to make a little adventure of the trip.  We met up, loaded up, and headed on down the river.  We casted deer hair and topwater flies to eager Largemouth Bass swimming in shade-covered, clear water.  We switched to chartreuse and white Clousers and rust-colored Red Asses to land beautiful Stripers, Crappie, Sunfish, and a Gasper Goo.  We watched a young, juvenile Bald Eagle watching us.  All-in-all, it was a great morning, most especially, because we finally got to fish with our friend, Jerry.

Jerry Hamon
Les Jackson

Gator Bait & Lizard Lick


  1. Red Asses for stripers. Wow. Wish I could find a productive spot like that on the lake. Thanks.

  2. My hat is off to you guys for fishing from the kayak, I've had some bad experiences fishing from the canoe and it really turned me off fishing from anything resembling a canoe, congrats on landing a bounty of fish. Thanks for sharing

  3. Nice work fishing from the kayaks. I'm still figuring that out with mine. I'm mostly doing a 50/50 thing with spinning tackle and my fly gear.


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