21 January 2013

Red River Rendezvous, 2013

Bonham State Park again played marvelous host to a fly tying bonanza, and Mother Nature graced us with splendid weather.  The Red River Fly Fishers, looking smashing in their wonderful club shirts, created a great combination for a get-together with a bunch of fly fishing fanatics.  We casted TFO rods, we watched one another's tying tricks and tips, we ate like royalty, and enjoyed the raffle.  Cody and I want one of Mr. Pope's Spey rods, but the TFO-rod-of-your-choice-auction item slipped through our hands yet again.  However, the urban fishing trip with Les Jackson did not.  I am really excited about that trip, because as a child, I grew up in Arlington, ruining more clothes from the mud and brambles and water of Rush Creek.  So, to see it as an adult and to fish it with more knowledge is going to be a pleasant treat.  I can not tell who is more excited about this trip, Les, because he is a true, ultra-light fly fisherman and loves sharing this urban oasis, or me, because I am revisiting old haunts.  Either way, it will be a fantastic day.
A poor Fjordland imitation

With Ovechkin watching, Cody cranked out some wonderful CodyBuggers and GirlieBuggers; afterall, we  are getting ready for our annual winter and early spring treks to fish Fort Parker's Lake Springfield from our float tubes.  In addition to those signature flies, Cody tyed some very flashy, minnow-esque flies that I can not wait to see in action.  Even though I have never seen Cody tye these flies, I loved their profile.  Cody said Rob Woodruff gave them to Cody for White Bass.  Cody has caught large Rainbows with them as well.

Cody and I's meal contribution was a pot roast.  Of course, potatoes have to be included, so as I was slicing those little reds, I sliced my thumb (no blood got onto the potatoes), and after 30 minutes of bleeding, I asked the park office for a band-aid.  They graciously gave me three, and while I needed that band-aid, it did not help with my fly tying!  I had decided beforehand that I was going to tye some more deer hair flies, big, chunky deer-hair flies.   Lately, I have really been dreaming of Mongolia, the Ur River, and Taimen.  So, with band-aid wrapped around my thumb, I tyed a big, fat mouse.  (I wonder if the scent of blood on the deer hair makes the fly illegal?  I wonder if the blood scent will still be there by the time I make it to Mongolia?)  I probably can not keep it "new" and will fish it at Lake Springfield or Amistad, but maybe I can.  (For me, they take a long time to tye, so it's not like I'll get into our tying room and crank one out in 30 minutes.)

The absolute best thing about this year's Red River Rendezvous?  Our dear friend Jerry Hamon was there, looking handsome and healthy!

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